• To Go Back to School or Not

    Every time someone goes through a long period of unemployment, someone suggests going back to school. That was my thought process when I was stuck in a tech support job back in 2013, and applied for my MA. I got in, finished it, made some connections… then ended up running back to that tech support…

  • Back to a Rhythm

    Sometimes it’s hard for me to keep up with all the things I’m working on. Right now, that includes a job hunt, a literary agent hunt, trying to break into game writing, and trying to get my screenplay some more attention. Not to mention regular life things. Today, I got back into a rhythm of…

  • Volunteer Game Writing Job

    Since leaving my video game writing course, I started taking part in a volunteer project. I heard about this opportunity through another classmate who posted the opportunity on LinkedIn. I had my first real contribution with some work on the game’s screenplay. I’m excited to get my hands dirty and see where this opportunity goes.

  • Black List Reviews

    Once my “Anansi” screenplay didn’t get selected for the film program I applied to, I decided to register with Black List. I’ve heard of Black List before, mainly as a site where unknown screenplays sometimes surface and get selected for production. In some rare cases, Hollywood execs actually find talent via the site. I figured…

  • New Projects

    With my game writing course wrapped up, my next game writing project is a volunteer one. I was able to make friends with one of the other students, who helped me get involved in a game production. I’ll be helping with some dialogue and other writing. Aside from that, I’m back to querying for my…

  • Finished my game writing course

    I started a game writing course back in April. If I have to think about what motivated me to join there are a few key factors. Compared to the average degree, the course wasn’t that expensive. It was also taught by someone who works in the industry. 2. Breaking monotony After months of job hunting…

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